Creed and doctrine
All ministers and members of the Manmin Church believe in the Triune God and confess the Apostle’s Creed as the only Biblical foundation of our faith.
1. The Bible – We believe the Bible is the Word of the Living God
2. God – We believe in the Triune God
3. Man – We believe that man was created by God, but he sinned and became corrupt by abusing his free will
4. Rebirth – We believe that we have been reborn by Jesus Christ’s redemptive death and resurrection
5. Sanctification– We believe that we become holy through the redemptive blood of the Lord Jesus and the baptism of the Holy Spirit
6. Healing– We believe that we become holy through the redemptive blood of the Lord Jesus and the baptism of the Holy Spirit
7. Resurrection– We believe that everyone who fully believes in Jesus Christ will resurrect with a glorious body the way Jesus Our Lord resurrected from death
8. The Second Advent of Jesus Christ – We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ will come again in the body He had at the time of His Ascent
9. Church – We believe that a church is where we worship God, enjoy the fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ, continue to train ourselves spiritually, and we will be preserved to the Last Day in order to change the world
10. The Millennium Kingdom – We believe that Jesus Christ will descend again to Earth and establish the Millennium Kingdom of Peace here
11. Eternal Life and Eternal Death – We believe that in the end every man will receive either an eternal life or an eternal death
1. The Bible – We believe the Bible is the Word of the Living God
(1) We believe that the Bible is the perfect Word of God that contains no error, and all the books in the Old and New Testaments are God-breathed.
(2) We believe that the Bible is the absolute scripture that leads all men to eternal salvation, the standard of our faith and proper Christian life, and the canon for church administration and organizations.
(3) We believe that the Bible is the truth that gives the spiritual revival and blessings and the only perfect guidance to proper human life, and consider the Apostles’ Creed, which is the core of all the words in the Bible, the foundation of our faith.
(4) We believe that the Bible is the only revelation of God, denounce any other unbiblical theological teachings, mysticism, or empiricism not based on the Bible. Also, we never deny the Bible is the revelation of God, add or remove any element to or from the Bible, judge it critically, or interpret it on our own.
2. God – We believe in the Triune God
(1) We believe that God the Father is the ever and ever self-existent One and the only one Spirit that is perfectly holy, loving, just, truthful, and everlasting. He is almighty and omnipresent – endless and measureless in power, wisdom, and knowledge. He created everything seen and unseen, and controls, sustains and manages it. Finally, He is our merciful Father who sent His One and Only Son for all men who had been doomed to die eternally.
(2) We believe that Jesus Christ is the One and Only Son of God the Father, the Word and the Origin of Life and Light. Jesus Christ is everlasting, truthful, the Almighty God, the origin of the creation of all things, and is one with God the Father. He was born of the Virgin Mary through the Holy Spirit, and a true man and a true God having both the humanity and the divinity in one body in order to become the Mediator between God and man and redeem man.
(3) We believe that the Holy Spirit comes from God the Father and Jesus Christ His Son, that the Holy Spirit has the same entity, majestic power, and glory as the Father and the Son, and that He is the everlasting Father. The Holy Spirit is sent to carry out the Will of God the Trinity; reproaches the world about the sin, the righteousness, and the judgment; teaches all believers as their Counselor; strengthens their souls with His power, and makes the church holy.
3. Man – We believe that man was created by God, but he sinned and became corrupt by abusing his free will
(1) Creation of Man: We believe that God created man in His own image, which indicates the invisible and formless image of God, namely His traits. That image is called the “man’s spirit.” God made him from the dust of the ground and made him move and feel by breathing the breath of life into the man’s nostrils. The man was a living spirit that consisted of three parts: spirit, soul, and body. God allowed the man, a living spirit, to have a fellowship with Him, made him noble – though a little lower than God – and rule over all creation as the lord of all things. All this so that God might receive His own glory.
(2) Free Will: When God created man, He made the man noble and gave a free will in His image, namely His traits. However, the man sinned and became corrupt because he did not use the free will according to the Will of God but instead abused it. Nevertheless, the merciful God gave His precious Son Jesus Christ for free to save corrupted men, and has enabled them to be born again and become the children of God when they believe in Jesus Christ. Believers who have become children of God may commit sins and become corrupt again when they abuse their free will and disobey the Holy Spirit. That is why believers must always obey the Holy Spirit. Depending on whether or not the free will is recognized, the doctrine of Predestination and the doctrine of foreknowledge and predestination are divided. We choose the doctrine of foreknowledge and predestination in which the free will persistently mentioned in the Bible is accepted.
(3) Corruption of Man: God gave man the good, righteous, and truthful nature according to His own image, but the first man Adam disobeyed the Word of God and became corrupt in the evil nature by abusing his free will according to his sinful desires. The evil nature was personalized in Adam, and his old self – namely sinful flesh – began to be inherited to all descendants. The inherited sinful nature is called the “original sin” by which all men commit sins and are led to death. Man has two kinds of sins: the original sin and self-committed sin. On the one hand, the self-committed sin is a sin for which each individual is responsible because he himself committed that sin. The self-committed sin has many kinds according to each individual. On the other hand, the original sin applies the same to everyone, but each individual is not responsible for the original sin, by which everyone is compelled to sin. God gave the way of cleansing the original sin, but no one can escape from the responsibility of not being forgiven of the original sin because he did not believe in Jesus Christ. In order to demolish the sins of all men, the Son our Lord Jesus Christ shed His precious blood and His blood forgives us of the self-committed sin and the cleanses us from the original sin.
4. Rebirth – We believe that we have been reborn by Jesus Christ’s redemptive death and resurrection
(1) The righteous: “The righteous” refers to all those who are declared righteous. In God’s absolute mercy, men who had been sinners are forgiven of all sins and accepted as “righteous” in the sight of God when they repent and believe in the redemption of Jesus Christ. Those declared righteous are redeemed from all sins; that is to say, they are free from the punishment of all sins and receive the privilege of the righteous. Each individual’s righteousness lasts as long as he or she has faith in God and obeys Him.
(2) Rebirth: Rebirth means “to be born again” or “to be born of heaven.” Each person is not only claimed righteous but also experiences a radical change in morals by the Holy Spirit when he believes in Jesus Christ. Each individual’s heart, which has been dead because of sins and transgressions, is revived in Jesus Christ and he leads an obedient and victorious life and becomes free from the judgment of the sins of the past. In this way, a regenerated man is given the life of Jesus Christ and liberated from the bondage of sins, so that he lives again for spiritual thing, lays the foundation to overcome sins, and gains the right as the heir to God.
(3) Justification and Rebirth: Through justification, men become justified by God’s absolute work when they believe in Jesus Christ’s redemptive death. Rebirth is a spiritual change in morality actually performed in the heart of each man. In other words, sinners are declared righteous through God’s justification as their positions are facing God, and their inner beings are transformed by their rebirth. In short, an individual’s position is changed by God’s justification and his/her inner nature is changed by rebirth. These two works – God’s justification and man’s rebirth – may appear different in theory in that God’s justification is precedent to rebirth, but both take place in each individual’s experience. The two are accomplished by the same deed of faith.
(4) Sin after Rebirth: It is natural for any child of God, after having been reborn, not to commit sins again, yet the person may sin because he/she is weak. However, as it is said in 1 John 2:1, “But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense – Jesus Christ, the Righteous One,” anyone is forgiven of sins when he finds his sins and repents of them with a humble heart, believing in Jesus Christ.
5. Sanctification – We believe that we become holy through the redemptive blood of the Lord Jesus and the baptism of the Holy Spirit
(1) Sanctification: Sanctification is often expressed in following ways: holiness, purification, baptism of the Holy Spirit, the fiery baptism, and perfect love. Sanctification does not equate the absolute holiness of God but the relative purity compared with God’s. In other words, corrupted men are forgiven and purified to the state of having no sin through the redemption of Jesus Christ. Man’s original sin is purified by the washing with the precious blood of Jesus Christ and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They are also given the sufficient strength to serve God in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. This grace is a momentary experience brought forth by each individual’s faith at the moment or after each one’s rebirth.
(2) Duty of Sanctification: All believers have the duty to receive the grace of sanctification. Sanctification is the providence, command, covenant, and calling of God planned before the eternity, the aim of the redemption of Jesus Christ and our prayer, and the purpose of the descending of the Holy Spirit. If a believer neglects his or her duty of sanctification, the individual forsakes God. Therefore, all believers must receive the grace of sanctification.
(3) Necessity of Sanctification: From his forefathers, man has inherited the original sin and evil desires, and his old self is corrupted by sins, and conscience is stained with wickedness. He has to be cleansed from all these things. Only through washing of all kinds of dirty things, will he serve the Lord all the days of his life and stand in a blameless image before the Second Advent of Our Lord Jesus.
(4) The Way of Sanctification: The grace of sanctification is not accomplished by human ways such as cultivating, educating, reforming, penance, and the like. Instead, it is carried out only by God’s methods: each one’s faith in the Word of God, obedience to the Word, and prayer for the Word; the Holy Spirit’s power; and the blood of Jesus Christ.
(5) Rebirth and Sanctification: Rebirth indicates the forgiveness of the self-committed sin and receiving the new life while sanctification indicates being cleansed from the original sin hidden deep within one’s heart. Through rebirth sins are suppressed, and through sanctification the sinful nature is destroyed. In short, rebirth is the beginning of sanctification and conversely sanctification is the perfection of rebirth.
6. Healing – We believe that God heals our physical diseases with the divine power through the redemption of the blood of Jesus Christ
(1) Divine Healing: Divine healing indicates having good health assured by God’s protection and being healed of diseases by the power of God through prayer. Healing is the Will, promise and powerful work of God.
(2) Importance of Divine Healing: Healing is a part of the grace of the redemption of Jesus Christ that comes on the body of believers. Jesus Christ took the infirmities and sicknesses of all men by being whipped and shedding His blood. Countless sick people were healed during Jesus’ ministry, and after He endured all the sufferings, these supernatural healings have continually occurred around the world. Therefore, believers should experience divine healing through repentance, faith, and prayer when they are ill, and testify to this grace to all the people when they preach the gospel and pray that these miracles of healing will continue.
(3) Divine Healing and Worldly Treatment: Divine healing refers to being healed of diseases by relying entirely on the omnipotence of God and His trustworthy promise, and praying without depending on medicine, science, or hospital treatment. However, even though we depend entirely on God’s healing, we do not deny positive impacts of medical or scientific treatments and we do not condemn people receiving such treatments.
7. Resurrection – We believe that everyone who fully believes in Jesus Christ will resurrect with a glorious body the way Jesus Our Lord resurrected from death
(1) Resurrection: Resurrection is a revival of the dead and is divided into two categories: spiritual resurrection and physical resurrection. Spiritual resurrection refers to the revival of men’s dead (because of their sins) spirits through their faith in Jesus Christ’s redemptive death and resurrection. Physical resurrection is the resurrection of the bodies of dead believers, taking place at the Second Advent of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the body of sinners after the Millennium Kingdom.
(2) Two Types of Resurrection
i. The first type of resurrection is that of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of dead believers at the time of
Jesus’ return in the air, and the resurrection of two witnesses during the Seven Years of the Great Tribulation.
ii. The second type of resurrection is the resurrection of all those who have been dead since the beginning of creation and are resurrected just after the Millennium Kingdom prior to the Great Judgment.
(3) Resurrected Body: Human bodies consist of perishable, dishonored, and weak flesh and bones, but resurrected bodies are not only free from any diseases, far from being aged, and imperishable but also go beyond the limitation of time and space, matters, and genders. In short, a resurrected body is glorious and everlasting, much like the body of the risen Lord Jesus Christ.
8. The Second Advent of Jesus Christ – We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ will come down to Earth again before the beginning of the Millennium Kingdom in the body He had at the time of His Ascent
(1) The Second Advent: The Descent of Jesus Christ is the main doctrine of the Bible. The Old Testament records the First Descent of Jesus Christ, and the New Testament focuses on His Second Descent, or His Second Advent. The Lord of the First Descent became flesh and came down to redeem sinned men, and the Lord of the Second Descent will return to receive and take saved believers in glory the way He was lifted up to heaven.
(2) Prophecies on the Second Advent: The Second Advent of Jesus Christ is prophesied in both the Old and New Testaments more than 300 times. Many prophets, Jesus’ Disciples, and angels prophesied it, and the Lord Himself proclaimed His Second Advent time and again throughout His ministry.
(3) The Time of the Second Advent: The Lord Jesus once said, “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Therefore, man can never know the precise time of His Second Advent. However, Jesus did say that the hour would come unknowingly like a thief or as suddenly as labor pains begin for a pregnant woman. Jesus also mentioned various signs that would be shown during times leading up to His Second Advent: disasters will strike; anti-Christianity movement will take off; false prophets will appear; sin and wickedness will be rampant; the Gospel will be preached throughout the world; many will rush here and there; knowledge will increase; the world will be ideologically divided into two halves; the statehood of Israel will be restored, and the like. Some of the signs have already been fulfilled and others are being fulfilled. Therefore, all believers should watch and prepare for Jesus’ Second Advent.
(4) The Location of Jesus’ Second Advent
i. In the air
ii. On Earth
(5) The Sight of Jesus’ Second Advent: The Lord will return riding on glorious clouds, in the midst of a blazing fire, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God filling the heavens, and surrounded by countless spirits of dead believers in Christ.
(6) The Purpose of Jesus’ Second Advent
i. To receive and take all saved believers to heaven
ii. To establish and rule the Kingdom of Righteousness
iii. To judge the living and the dead
(7) Preparation for Jesus’ Second Advent
i. Prepare oil
ii. Having faith of the firm rock
iii. Watch and be alert
9. Church
We believe that a church is where we worship God, enjoy the
fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ, continue to train ourselves spiritually, and we will be preserved to the Last Day in order to change the world. Church is a collection of redeemed believers who are called by God, separated from the world, and saved by having accepted Jesus Christ. It is the body of Jesus Christ, the holy sanctuary where the believers gather, worship God, and partake in the Holy Communion. Church is also the foundation of truth where the Word of God is taught, where the Gospel is preached, and is responsible for leading all souls to salvation. It is a holy assembly where all believers are prepared as the brides of Jesus Christ and await His Second Advent.
10. The Millennium Kingdom
We believe that Jesus Christ will descend again to Earth and establish the Millennium Kingdom of Peace here
(1) The Millennium: The Millennium Kingdom is a kingdom full of blessings that Jesus Christ the Messiah will build on Earth after He has returned to it, judged all nations, and seized and bound Satan in chains for a thousand years in the Abyss. The Kingdom will be an age of rest of jubilee, the restoration of Eden, and the fulfillment of the prophecies and the Lord’s Prayer.
(2) The Millennium Kingdom
i. The age of the Millennium Kingdom is without sin and of peace and unity: the whole world will return to Jesus Christ.
ii. The land and all living things on it – plants and animals – will be restored.
iii. Human life will be restored.
(3) Politics in the Millennium Kingdom: The Lord Jesus Christ will reign over the whole world as the King of kings and all believers themselves will reign with the Lord like kings. People in fleshly bodies and people in spiritual bodies will live together, and the Millennium Kingdom will be the ideal age filled only with bliss.
11. Eternal Life and Eternal Death
We believe that in the end every man will receive either an eternal life or an eternal death
(1) God made each individual’s spirit immortal and made his/her spirit live eternally. Those who believe in the Son of God Jesus Christ as their Savior will enter the kingdom of heaven and enjoy an eternal life. However, those who deny Jesus Christ as the Son of the Living God and do evil in this life will inevitably fall into hell and be held captive and tortured eternally.
(2) Every man is destined to die once and be judged. Each individual must be judged according to his or her own goodness or wickedness, and then sent to the either eternal life in heaven or the eternal torture in hell as either a reward or punishment. No one will be exempt from the Great Judgment of God.
(3) People sometimes make erroneous arguments on hell. Some individuals argue that people in hell will receive a second chance. Others claim that people in hell will not feel any pain from the punishment. Still others contend that the spirits of people in hell will perish once they have fallen into hell. However, all such arguments and theories are false. The Bible explicitly proclaims the existence of an eternal heaven and an eternal hell, and all men after the Judgment will go to either heaven or hell.